Monday, February 3, 2014

Doubts & Trust

We had our first foster/adopt class on Saturday. It was mostly an introduction, they went over what would be covered in the next 4 weeks, watched a few (very) outdated movies, and talked a bit about how the foster care system works. A few things really stuck out to me, one being that they are very up-front about the fact that we as foster/pre-adoptive parents will be expected to communicate with and have at least some of a relationship with the birth parents. I guess I had believed that we would have limited contact. They also stressed that whether we are pre-adoptive or foster, we are all considered foster parents. It seems to me the only difference is that those who are pre-adoptive hope to adopt the child, while foster parents expect (in most cases) a child to be with them temporarily. I already knew this going into it, but DCF's main goal is reunification with the birth parents...the next being placed with a relative...third choice is being placed with a family in the system, such as us. At any time during the process to adopt the child, a birth parent or other relative could easily disrupt it. 

Does all this scare me? Totally. I still don't feel 100% that this is where God is leading us, but I am willing to find out. This is all way out of my comfort zone. I honestly can't even try to imagine what it would be like to love a child and have him or her taken away. I cannot comprehend it, but I feel it's fair to assume it will be incredibly difficult. 

Those things are ones that I honestly don't want to deal with. It makes me want to run in the other direction. It makes me want to re-think the entire adoption thing. If it weren't for how strongly God laid it on our hearts, I probably would have run away by now. But I know without a doubt that God has called us to care for orphans, and how can I not answer that call?

I know that God doesn't call us to walk the easy path in life. No matter what route we choose, adoption isn't going to be easy. And it's hard to say "yes" to something you KNOW is going to be challenging. This is where I lay myself down. I'm one of those living sacrifices that is always second-guessing and trying to crawl off the darn altar. That's just me! I know God is asking me to step out of the boat and trust Him. I don't know exactly where we're going but we're not supposed to know...or else why would we need to trust? 

This whole trusting thing has become a common thing for me, huh? :)

I am just trying to take as much from the class as I can. I know all this information will be invaluable for us at some point, so I absorb it all. Prayers are appreciated, that not only God will give us direction, but also that we will be able to find babysitters for the next 4 Saturdays of the class. It's not easy to find people willing to babysit 3 kids for 6 hours or more on a Saturday! 


  1. Where are your classes? If you think your kids would go for it, they could sleep over a Friday night and hang with us Saturday. It would be just me but I think our kids get along really well!

    1. Thanks Nichole! I am not sure if my kids would, Cora has only slept at my parents house and once at a friends house who lived next door at the time. But I am definitely going to keep that in mind. Thanks so much for the offer :)

  2. Please call me Christina if you need a sitter!! My daughter and I would be happy to babysit! Did you try talking with other foster parents that have been in the system for awhile? That could help you learn and hear 'from the horses mouth' just how challenging it is. My cousin Lisa was a foster parent for some time until she was given very problematic children who were becoming very bad influences on her three sons. Being optimistic, she continued to foster children until the last one she fostered was soooo out of control that she felt it was waaaay out of her league. She and her family are church goer's and teach Sunday school as well. She may have felt she had a calling too, but it definitely wasn't in fostering.....just a thought for you to ponder. Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I will definitely keep you in mind, I think we have babysitters for the next two weeks. I do have friends who have been doing foster care for a while. Gives me very mixed feelings! We will definitely not go ahead until we are sure God is asking us to. We have our own family safety to consider as well. Thanks for everything :)

  3. Christina, we loved fostering. We were group home parents with, mainly, teenage girls. We've since adopted internationally, but would love to foster again someday. Love your heart!:)
